The Worthington Hooker School PTA is an entirely volunteer-run organization, and we welcome participation from everyone! The PTA organizes fun community events, fundraises for important educational initiatives, advocates for students and families, and generally helps build community at our school.
The best way to get started is to attend our meetings, 6-7pm on the fourth Wednesday evening of every month, with some exceptions. (Check our meeting schedule and sign up for our mailing list for full details). In order to vote at regular meetings, become a PTA member by paying your annual dues using the JOIN NOW button on the top right.
Got an idea or want to propose a program? We want to hear about it!
Upcoming Events:
1/22, 6pm PTA meeting @ Upper School Library - Child and Youth Mental Health guest speaker April Smoke Collins!
1/25, 1-3pm Lunar New Year festival, Upper School
2/9, IRIS Run for and with Refugees -- WHS has a team of its own!
2/26, 6pm PTA meeting
Download our full events schedule here!